These Regimental coats were produced by France in 1777-78 and were delivered in 1778. They are made out of 100% wool with a linen lining. They feature hand stitched outers with raw wool edges and “white” pewter buttons. They have functioning pockets and are of the proper weight wool as to what the originals were made from. Currently we have the blue with red facings in stock and the Brown with red facings will be on a made to order basis allowing 4-6 weeks to receive.
“The Greatest part of what I have seen of them are exceeding good, the cloth of a good quality, lined throughout with white serge. White waistcoats and breeches, the breeches made for knee buckles (but none are provided) the coats well cut, have a tasty air and that great good quality of being at the same time large and warm. The lappels made to button over the breast and belly completely. By what I am able to judge, not having time to open them all, they appear to be of but two sorts, that is blue faced with red, and brown faced with red, a plain white button (on which if I may be allowed to pass my opinion, it would be to have them in future marked U.S. to shew the property of the United States in them) red cuff and slash sleeve made to button underneath.” National archives, record group 93, records in the war department collection of revolutionary war records.
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